Blended B.S. + M.S. students have the opportunity to pick the courses that count toward the M.S. and B.S. degree.  This is done via the Final Formal Study Plan.  The final plan is the contract that lists each course used to satisfy the M.S. degree.  All other courses will be used for the B.S. degree.  The Working Formal Study Plan is a planning document, not a contract, even though the form is the same.  Since you do not submit the final plan until the 3rd week of the quarter you graduate, you can move classes between your B.S. and M.S. degree any time before graduation, even if you took the course prior to joining the BMS program.  There are a few important points to consider when selecting the classes for your M.S.:

  • The CSC and SE undergraduate degrees both have a depth elective.  The exact phrasing of the elective depends on your catalog year, but it typically requires a 300 or 400 level elective that has another 300 or 400 level class as a pre-requisite, except for 357.  If your final plan uses your only depth elective for your M.S. degree you will not get the B.S. degree.
  • Only the classes listed on the final study plan will be used to compute your graduate GPA.