
Aaron Keen Department Chair akeen@calpoly.edu 14-254 Programming Languages, Compilers, Static Analysis, CS Education
Laila Abdelhafeez Lecturer TBD
Paul Anderson Professor pander14@calpoly.edu 14-222 AI, machine learning, bioinformatics, data science, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, ranking algorithms, and fairness.
Hisham Assal Lecturer hhassal@calpoly.edu 14-240
Stephen Beard Assistant Professor srbeard@calpoly.edu 14-214 Security, Architecture, Compilers, Language, Performance
John Bellardo Professor bellardo@calpoly.edu 14-235D Satellites, Embedded Systems, Networks, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Security
Bruce Burton Lecturer baburton@calpoly.edu  TBA
Rodrigo Canaan Assistant Professor rcanaan@calpoly.edu  14-207 AI, Games, Co-Creativity, Evolutionary Computing, Quality-Diversity Algorithms, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning
John Clements Professor clements@calpoly.edu 14-208 Programming Languages, Notional Machines for Computing Education, Continuation Marks, Functional Languages, Compilers, Music, CS Education
Bruno da Silva Assistant Professor bcdasilv@calpoly.edu 14-223 Human and Social Aspects in SE, Tools for Software Development Productivity, SE Education, Software Developer Experience, Mining Software Repositories, Emotion and Sentiment Analysis applied to Software
Bruce DeBruhl Associate Professor bdebruhl@calpoly.edu 14-210 Security and Privacy, Automotive Security, Wireless Security, Software Security
Alex Dekhtyar Professor dekhtyar@calpoly.edu 14-212 Databases, Machine Learning, Data Science, Software Engineering
Kirk Duran Lecturer kduran02@calpoly.edu 14-236
Christian Eckhardt Assistant Professor eckhardt@calpoly.edu 14-238D
Sussan Einakian Lecturer seinakia@calpoly.edu 14-202
Phoenix (Dongfeng) Fang Assistant Professor dofang@calpoly.edu 14-210
Daniel Frishberg  Assistant Professor dfrishbe@calpoly.edu 14-223
Hasmik Gharibyan Professor hghariby@calpoly.edu 14-203 Theoretical Computer Science
Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez Assistant Professor javiergs@calpoly.edu  14-227 Software Engineering, Intelligent Systems Engineering, Software Product Lines, Human-Computer Interaction, Emotion AI (Affective Computing), Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, CS Education
April Grow Assistant Professor amgrow@calpoly.edu  14-209 Games, Physical Crafts, Procedural Generation
Bret Hartman Lecturer bahartma@calpoly.edu 14-240
Paul Hatalsky Lecturer phatalsk@calpoly.edu 21-240
Michael Haungs Professor mhaungs@calpoly.edu 181-221 Game Design, Game Implementation, User Centered Design, User Experience, Mobile Apps, Web Apps, CSC Education, K12 STEAM Outreach
Boris Hristov Assistant Professor bhristov@calpoly.edu TBD
Silas Hsu Assistant Professor bhristov@calpoly.edu 14-206
Irene Humer Assistant Professor ihumer@calpoly.edu 14-245
Brian Jones Lecturer btjones@calpoly.edu 14-236
Paris Kalathas Assistant Professor pkalatha@calpoly.edu TBD
Ayaan Kazerouni Assistant Professor ayaank@calpoly.edu 14-229 Computing Education, Software Engineering, Software Testing
Fahim Khan Assistant Professor fkhan19@calpoly.edu TBD
Foaad Khosmood Professor foaad@calpoly.edu 14-204 Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Video Games, Data Science, Digital Government
BJ Klingenberg Lecturer bklingen@calpoly.edu  14-228
Ken Kubiak Lecturer kubiak@calpoly.edu 14-228
Franz Kurfess Professor fkurfess@calpoly.edu 14-203 AI, Human-Computer Interaction, Ethics and Social Justice in AI and Machine Learning
Ulf Lindqvist Lecturer ulindqvi@calpoly.edu 14-240 Security, Critical Infrastructures, Applied Cryptography
Chris Lupo Professor clupo@calpoly.edu 14-102 Computer Architecture, Parallel and GPU Computing, Performance Optimization
Andrew Migler Lecturer amigler@calpoly.edu Virtual
Theresa Migler Associate Professor tmigler@calpoly.edu 14-226 Graph Theory, Algorithm Design, Network Analysis, CS Education, CS Outreach, CS Theory (Complexity)
Joydeep Mukherjee Assistant Professor jmukherj@calpoly.edu 14-219 Software Performance Engineering, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, DevOps
Sumona Mukhopadhyay Professor mukhopad@calpoly.edu 14-217 Data Science, Machine Learning, Object Detection, Open CV
Phillip Nico Professor pnico@calpoly.edu 14-205
Maria Pantoja Associate Professor mpanto01@calpoly.edu 14-211 High Performance Computing, Parallel Programming (OpenMP and GPU), Distributed Systems (MPI and goLang), Reliability in Distributed Systems, Acceleration of Deep Learning
David Parkinson Lecturer dsparkin@calpoly.edu 14- 240
Zachary N J Peterson Associate Professor znjp@calpoly.edu 14-235B Security, Cryptographic Engineering, Computer Security Education, Storage Systems, Games and Play, Interactive Fiction, Interactive Art, Applied Cryptography
Lucas Pierce Lecturer lupierce@calpoly.edu 14-215
John Planck Lecturer jplanck@calpoly.edu 20-200
Anita Rathi Lecturer anrathi@calpoly.edu 21-240
Vanessa Rivera Lecturer vcrivera@calpoly.edu 14-202
Mugizi Rwebangira Assistant Professor mrwebang@calpoly.edu 14-218 Machine Learning, AI, Computational Neuroscience
Paul Schmitt Assistant Professor prs@calpoly.edu TBD
John Seng Professor jseng@calpoly.edu 14-231 Robotics, Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture
Devkishen Sisodia Assistant Professor dsisodia@calpoly.edu 14-221
Christopher Siu Lecturer cesiu@calpoly.edu 14-236
Lubomir Stanchev Professor lstanche@calpoly.edu 14-230 Databases, Semantic Computing, Machine Learning, Data Science
Ka Yaw Teo Assistant Professor kteo@calpoly.edu
Luis Vargas Lecturer 14-240
Jonathan Ventura Associate Professor jventu09@calpoly.edu 14-235C Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Remote Sensing
Kurt Voelker Lecturer kvoelker@calpoly.edu 14-202
Jenny Wang Lecturer jwang96@calpoly.edu 14-240
Zoë Wood Professor zwood@calpoly.edu 192-305 Computer Graphics, Rendering, Games, Visualization, Computer Science Education
Julie Workman  Lecturer jworkman@calpoly.edu 21-240
Chris Zielke Lecturer czielke@calpoly.edu 21-240

Affiliated Faculty

Jane Lehr – Professor & Chair Women & Gender Studiesjlehr@calpoly.edu47-25F
Dennis Sun – Assistant Professor Statisticsdsun09@calpoly.edu25-109
Enrica Lovaglio Costello – Art and Designelovagli@calpoly.edu 34-163
Jean Davidson – Biological Sciencesjdavid06@calpoly.edu 33-267

Active Emeriti

Charles Dana – Professorchdana@calpoly.edu14-240
Tim Kearns – Associate Professortkearns@calpoly.edu14-245


Leanne Fiorentino Administrative Support Coordinator lfiorent@calpoly.edu
Teresa Medrano Administrative Analyst Specialist tlmedran@calpoly.edu


NameOfficeEmailOffice HoursHow to Connect
Connection Information
Anderson, Paul181-404pander14@calpoly.eduWednesday: 2 – 4 PM
Thursday: 11 AM – 12 PM
In Person
Please call 805-756-9995 if I don’t notice you waiting.
Assal, Hisham14-240hhassal@calpoly.eduMW 10am-11amIn person 
Awan, Adnan14-213adawan@calpoly.eduMondays & Wednesdays: 12 pm to 2 pm

Fridays: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, or by appointment
In person or zoom
Beard, Stephen14-214srbeard@calpoly.eduM 2:10 pm-3pm, 4:10 pm – 5 pm; WF 10:10 am – 11 amIn person 
Bellardo, John14-235Dbellardo@calpoly.eduSpring: TR 1210-1300; W 1410-1500In Person 
Burton, BruceTBAbaburton@calpoly.eduTR 2pm-3pm
Arrange an appointment via email
Canaan, Rodrigo14-207rcanaan@calpoly.eduTF 2:10pm-4pmIn person or Zoom
Clements, John14-208clements@calpoly.eduM 11:00 – 12:00 pm, T 9:00 – 11:00 am, W 11:00 – 12:00 pmIn person 
DeBruhl, Bruce14-210bdebruhl@calpoly.eduBy AppointmentEmail 
Dekhtyar, Alex14-212dekhtyar@calpoly.eduM 1:00 – 2:00 pm, T 10:00 – 11:00 am, W 10:00 – 12:00 pmIn person 
Duran, Kirk14-236kduran02@calpoly.eduM 9-10AM Tu 12-1PM W 1-2PM TH 3-4PMIn Person 
Einakian, Sussan14-202seinakia@calpoly.eduMWF 2 – 3:30PM and by appointmentin person, or Zoom
Escobar, EricRemoteeescobar@calpoly.eduF 10am-11amSlackClass Slack
Fang, Dongfeng192-332dofang@calpoly.eduTuesday&Thursday, 12:10pm-2pmIn Person 
Frishberg, Daniel14-223dfrishbe@calpoly.eduM 11am-1pm (Zoom), W 1-3pm
M hours on Zoom (link in Canvas); W hours in office
Gharibyan, Hasmik14-203hghariby@calpoly.eduMW 5:10-6 pm (zoom); TR 10:10-11 am (in person)MW (zoom), TR (in person)
https://calpoly.zoom.us/j/85726895412?pwd=NTJWbnI5MDBZZmt6UlBucHc3QmdwQT09; Meeting ID: 857 2689 5412; Passcode: 485638
Grow, April14-209amgrow@calpoly.eduMW 12:30-3In-person or Zoom
Hartman, Bret192-333bahartma@calpoly.eduR 11am-12pm
Thursday in person, flexible on zoom M/W/F
Hatalsky, Paul14-206phatalsk@calpoly.eduMWF 3-4PM, others by appointmentin person 
Haungs, Michael181-221mhaungs@calpoly.eduMW 3-5pmZoom or in person
Ho, Iris14-240iwho@calpoly.eduMWF 10:10pm–11:00pm, TR 11:10am-12:00pm; W 2:10pm-3:00pm;F 8:10am–9:00am
In Person; Zoom by request
Humer, Ireneonlineihumer@calpoly.eduTR 11-12, W 12-2pmZoom
Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez14-227javiergs@calpoly.eduMW 1 pm – 3 pmIn Person 
Jones, Brian14-236btjones@calpoly.eduT 11:10–12/2:10–4, W 10:10–11, R 11:10–1/3:10–4In person 
Kazerouni, Ayaan14-229ayaank@calpoly.eduM 9am–10am, W 10am–12pm, F 2pm–3pm
In Person, or Zoom by request
Kearns, Tim14-245tkearns@calpoly.eduTR 3:10 to 4:00 and by arrangementIn Person 
Keen, Aaron14-254akeen@calpoly.eduM: 11-12, T: 2-3, W: 3-4In Person 
Khosmood, Foaad14-204foaad@calpoly.edu   
Klingenberg, BJ14-228bklingen@calpoly.eduMW 9am-11amhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kXqZ32h2qyS2p7iBlxV3A3_2hWpQcwr-MyzTbaP4Afw/edit#gid=0
Kubiak, Ken14-228kubiak@calpoly.edu(Spring 2024) Tu 9-11am, 12:30-2:30pmIn person, or zoom.
Kurfess, Franz14-203fkurfess@calpoly.eduBy arrangement only (not teaching in S24)Email 
Maria Pantoja14-211mpanto01@calpoly.eduT/TH 3-4pmin person and by zoom 
Kwok, Wesley192-332WJKwok@calpoly.eduF 3-4 PMZoom 
Li, LucasNoneyli76@calpoly.eduM 1:40-3:00pm, W 2:10-3:30pmZoom, Email
Lindqvist, Ulf192-333ulindqvi@calpoly.eduTR 5pm-6pmIn Person 
Migler, AndrewVirtualamigler@calpoly.eduT 3:30pm-6pm, F 1:10pm-2:30pmZoom
Migler, Theresa14-226tmigler@calpoly.eduMWF 9:10-10, 11:10-12, T: 12-1MWF in person, T on Zoom
Mork, Kirsten14-236klmork@calpoly.eduMWF 1pm-2pm, T 2pm-3pmIn person or zoom (MWF), Zoom only (T)
Mukherjee, Joydeep14-219jmukherj@calpoly.eduTuesday and Friday, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AMIn Person 
Mukhopadhyay, Sumona14-217mukhopad@calpoly.eduMW 1pm-3pm
In Person, Zoom by appointment
Nico, Phillip14-205Pnico@calpoly.eduMTWF 10:10-11:00In person 
Pantoja, Maria14-211mpanto01@calpoly.eduT/TH 3-4pm Wed 10-12in person 
Parkinson, Dave14-240dsparkin@calpoly.eduTW 4:30pm-5:30pmZoom
Peterson, Zachary14-235Bznjp@calpoly.eduM 9A-12P and by appointmentIn Person, Zoom by appointment
Pierce, LucasOnlinelupierce@calpoly.eduT 2:00pm-4:30pmZoom/Teams 
Ravetch, Noah14-240nravetch@calpoly.eduMW 3pm-5pm, TR 11am-12pm, or by appointmentIn Person (or Zoom by appointment)
Rivera, Vanessa14-202vcrivera@calpoly.eduWF 3pm – 5pm, by AppointmentIn Person 
Rwebangira, Mugizi14-218mrwebang@calpoly.eduT 10am-11am R 10am-12pmEmailmrwebang@calpoly.edu
Seng, John14-231jseng@calpoly.eduM 1-2p (in person), T 9a-11a (Zoom), W 7p-8p (Zoom), F 2p-3p (in person)see above
Sisodia, Dev14-221dsisodia@calpoly.eduT 10am-11am, W 10am-12pmIn Person and Zoom
Siu, Christopher14-236cesiu@calpoly.eduMWF 8:10am-9:00am, TR 8:10am-12:30pm, TR 2:10pm-4:00pmMWF and TR morning in-person, TR afternoon on Zoom
Smith, Hugh14-216husmith@calpoly.eduT 1:30-3:30, R 11-noon and 1:30-2:30Zoom plus in person Thursday 11-noon
Stanchev, Lubomir14-230lstanche@calpoly.eduTR 8-10amIn PersonN/A
Teo, Ka Yaw14-215kteo@calpoly.eduMW 3pm-4pm, R 1pm-3pmIn Person 
Ventura, Jonathan14-235Cjventu09@calpoly.eduM 10-12, T 11-12 and 3-4, W 10:30-12:30In Person 
Voelker, Kurt14-202kvoelker@calpoly.eduMTWR 12:10am-1:00pmZoom
Wang, Jenny41-222jwang96@calpoly.eduTR 11am -12pmIn person, Zoom
Workman, Julie14-206jworkman@calpoly.eduMWF 3:10-4pmIn Person 
Zielke, Chris14-213czielke@calpoly.eduTR 2pm-3pmEmail and Slack