Aaron Keen | Department Chair | akeen@calpoly.edu | 14-254 | Programming Languages, Compilers, Static Analysis, CS Education |
Laila Abdelhafeez | Lecturer | TBD | ||
Paul Anderson | Professor | pander14@calpoly.edu | 14-222 | AI, machine learning, bioinformatics, data science, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, ranking algorithms, and fairness. |
Hisham Assal | Lecturer | hhassal@calpoly.edu | 14-240 | |
Stephen Beard | Assistant Professor | srbeard@calpoly.edu | 14-214 | Security, Architecture, Compilers, Language, Performance |
John Bellardo | Professor | bellardo@calpoly.edu | 14-235D | Satellites, Embedded Systems, Networks, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Security |
Bruce Burton | Lecturer | baburton@calpoly.edu | TBD | |
Rodrigo Canaan | Assistant Professor | rcanaan@calpoly.edu | 14-207 | AI, Games, Co-Creativity, Evolutionary Computing, Quality-Diversity Algorithms, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning |
John Clements | Professor | clements@calpoly.edu | 14-208 | Programming Languages, Notional Machines for Computing Education, Continuation Marks, Functional Languages, Compilers, Music, CS Education |
Bruno da Silva | Associate Professor | bcdasilv@calpoly.edu | 14-223 | Human and Social Aspects in SE, Tools for Software Development Productivity, SE Education, Software Developer Experience, Mining Software Repositories, Emotion and Sentiment Analysis applied to Software |
Bruce DeBruhl | Associate Professor | bdebruhl@calpoly.edu | 14-210 | Security and Privacy, Automotive Security, Wireless Security, Software Security |
Alex Dekhtyar | Professor | dekhtyar@calpoly.edu | 14-212 | Databases, Machine Learning, Data Science, Software Engineering |
Kirk Duran | Lecturer | kduran02@calpoly.edu | 14-236 | |
Christian Eckhardt | Associate Professor | eckhardt@calpoly.edu | 14-238D | |
Sussan Einakian | Lecturer | seinakia@calpoly.edu | 14-202 | |
Phoenix (Dongfeng) Fang | Assistant Professor | dofang@calpoly.edu | 14-210 | |
Kris Fox | Lecturer | jfox@calpoly.edu | 14-240 | |
Daniel Frishberg | Assistant Professor | dfrishbe@calpoly.edu | 14-223 | |
Hasmik Gharibyan | Professor | hghariby@calpoly.edu | TBD | Theoretical Computer Science |
Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez | Assistant Professor | javiergs@calpoly.edu | 14-227 | Software Engineering, Intelligent Systems Engineering, Software Product Lines, Human-Computer Interaction, Emotion AI (Affective Computing), Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, CS Education |
April Grow | Assistant Professor | amgrow@calpoly.edu | 14-209 | Games, Physical Crafts, Procedural Generation |
Bret Hartman | Lecturer | bahartma@calpoly.edu | 14-240 | |
Paul Hatalsky | Lecturer | phatalsk@calpoly.edu | 21-240 | |
Michael Haungs | Professor | mhaungs@calpoly.edu | 181-221 | Game Design, Game Implementation, User Centered Design, User Experience, Mobile Apps, Web Apps, CSC Education, K12 STEAM Outreach |
Borislav Hristov | Assistant Professor | bhristov@calpoly.edu | 14-226 | |
Silas Hsu | Assistant Professor | sihsu@calpoly.edu | 14-206 | |
Irene Humer | Assistant Professor | ihumer@calpoly.edu | 14-245 | |
Brian Jones | Lecturer | btjones@calpoly.edu | 14-236 | |
Paris Kalathas | Assistant Professor | pkalatha@calpoly.edu | 14-213 | CS Education, CS+X Curricula, In-service & Pre-service K-12 Teacher Preparation, Educational Tools, Interdisciplinary-Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (I-TPACK) Development |
Ayaan Kazerouni | Assistant Professor | ayaank@calpoly.edu | 14-229 | Computing Education, Software Engineering, Software Testing |
Fahim Khan | Assistant Professor | fkhan19@calpoly.edu | 14-216 | Computer Vision, Applied Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, Data Visualization, Citizen Science |
Foaad Khosmood | Professor | foaad@calpoly.edu | 14-204 | Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Video Games, Data Science, Digital Government |
BJ Klingenberg | Lecturer | bklingen@calpoly.edu | 14-228 | |
Ken Kubiak | Lecturer | kubiak@calpoly.edu | 14-228 | |
Franz Kurfess | Professor | fkurfess@calpoly.edu | 14-203 | AI, Human-Computer Interaction, Ethics and Social Justice in AI and Machine Learning |
Ulf Lindqvist | Lecturer | ulindqvi@calpoly.edu | 14-240 | Security, Critical Infrastructures, Applied Cryptography |
Chris Lupo | Professor | clupo@calpoly.edu | 14-102 | Computer Architecture, Parallel and GPU Computing, Performance Optimization |
Andrew Migler | Lecturer | amigler@calpoly.edu | Virtual | |
Theresa Migler | Associate Professor | tmigler@calpoly.edu | 14-226 | Graph Theory, Algorithm Design, Network Analysis, CS Education, CS Outreach, CS Theory (Complexity) |
Joydeep Mukherjee | Assistant Professor | jmukherj@calpoly.edu | 14-219 | Software Performance Engineering, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, DevOps |
Sumona Mukhopadhyay | Assistant Professor | mukhopad@calpoly.edu | 14-217 | Data Science, Machine Learning, Object Detection, Open CV |
Phillip Nico | Professor | pnico@calpoly.edu | 14-205 | |
Maria Pantoja | Associate Professor | mpanto01@calpoly.edu | 14-211 | High Performance Computing, Parallel Programming (OpenMP and GPU), Distributed Systems (MPI and goLang), Reliability in Distributed Systems, Acceleration of Deep Learning |
David Parkinson | Lecturer | dsparkin@calpoly.edu | 14- 240 | |
Zachary N J Peterson | Professor | znjp@calpoly.edu | 14-235B | Security, Cryptographic Engineering, Computer Security Education, Storage Systems, Games and Play, Interactive Fiction, Interactive Art, Applied Cryptography |
Lucas Pierce | Lecturer | lupierce@calpoly.edu | 14-240 | |
Anita Rathi | Lecturer | anrathi@calpoly.edu | 092-M-C104 | |
Vanessa Rivera | Lecturer | vcrivera@calpoly.edu | 14-202 | |
Mugizi Rwebangira | Assistant Professor | mrwebang@calpoly.edu | 14-218 | Machine Learning, AI, Computational Neuroscience |
Paul Schmitt | Assistant Professor | prs@calpoly.edu | TBD | |
John Seng | Professor | jseng@calpoly.edu | 14-231 | Robotics, Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture |
Devkishen Sisodia | Assistant Professor | dsisodia@calpoly.edu | 14-221 | |
Christopher Siu | Lecturer | cesiu@calpoly.edu | 14-236 | |
Lubomir Stanchev | Professor | lstanche@calpoly.edu | 14-230 | Databases, Semantic Computing, Machine Learning, Data Science |
Ka Yaw Teo | Assistant Professor | kteo@calpoly.edu | 14-215 | |
Luis Vargas | Lecturer | lvarga16@calpoly.edu | 14-236 | |
Jonathan Ventura | Associate Professor | jventu09@calpoly.edu | 14-235C | Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Remote Sensing |
Kurt Voelker | Lecturer | kvoelker@calpoly.edu | 14-202 | |
Mike Wagner | Lecturer | mcwagner@calpoly.edu | 14-240 | |
Jenny Wang | Lecturer | jwang96@calpoly.edu | 14-240 | |
Zoë Wood | Professor | zwood@calpoly.edu | 192-305 | Computer Graphics, Rendering, Games, Visualization, Computer Science Education |
Julie Workman | Lecturer | jworkman@calpoly.edu | 21-240 | |
Eric Yocam | Lecturer | eyocam@calpoly.edu | 14-240 | |
Chris Zielke | Lecturer | czielke@calpoly.edu | 21-240 |
Affiliated Faculty
Jean Davidson – Biological Sciences | jdavid06@calpoly.edu | 33-267 |
Jane Lehr – Professor & Chair Women & Gender Studies | jlehr@calpoly.edu | 47-25F |
Enrica Lovaglio Costello – Art and Design | elovagli@calpoly.edu | 34-163 |
Ava Wright – Philosophy | avwright@calpoly.edu | 47-34B |
Active Emeriti
Charles Dana – Professor | chdana@calpoly.edu | 14-240 |
Tim Kearns – Associate Professor | tkearns@calpoly.edu | 14-245 |
Leanne Fiorentino | Administrative Support Coordinator | lfiorent@calpoly.edu |
Teresa Medrano | Administrative Analyst Specialist | tlmedran@calpoly.edu |
Name | Office | Office Hours | How to Connect | Connection Information | |
Abdelhafeez, Laila | 21-240 | labdelha@calpoly.edu | M-F 3:10-4pm | In Person | |
Assal, Hisham | 14-240 | hhassal@calpoly.edu | MW 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm (or by appointment on Zoom) | In person or on Zoom | Link on Canvas |
Beard, Stephen | 14-214 | srbeard@calpoly.edu | M 2:10-3pm, T 10:10-11am, R 4:10-5pm | In person | |
Bellardo, John | 14-235D | bellardo@calpoly.edu | TTh 1010 – 1100, W 1410 – 1500 | In Person | |
Canaan, Rodrigo | 14-207 | rcanaan@calpoly.edu | M 2:10-4pm, R 1:10-3pm | In person or Zoom | |
Clements, John | 14-208 | clements@calpoly.edu | MWF 11am-12am, Tu 10am-11am | in person | |
DeBruhl, Bruce | 14-210 | bdebruhl@calpoly.edu | By appointment | ||
Duran, Kirk | 14-236 | kduran02@calpoly.edu | Tu 12-1:30, Th 3-4:30 F 12-1 | In Person | |
Einakian, Sussan | 14-202 | seinakia@calpoly.edu | MW 12:45-1:45 and MWF 4-5 PM | In Person | alternative office hours with appointment: https://calpoly.zoom.us/j/85129492875 |
Fang, Dongfeng (Phoenix) | 192-332 | dofang@calpoly.edu | TR 3:10pm-5pm | In Person | |
Fox, Kris | 14-241 | jfox@calpoly.edu | Th 1-2 | Zoom | Canvas |
Frishberg, Daniel | 14-223 | dfrishbe@calpoly.edu | W 2:10-4:00pm, F 10:10am-12:00pm | Wed in person; Fri on Zoom (link on Canvas) | |
Gharibyan, Hasmik | 14-222 | hghariby@calpoly.edu | MTWR 11am-12pm | In Person | |
Gonzalez-Sanchez, Javier | 14-227 | javiergs@calpoly.edu | Tue and Thu: 2pm-3pm and 6pm-7pm | In person | |
Grow, April | 14-209 | amgrow@calpoly.edu | MWF 1-3pm | In-person or Zoom | |
Haungs, Michael | 181-221 | mhaungs@calpoly.edu | TuTh 3-5pm | In Person or Zoom | |
Hristov, Borislav | 14-226 | bhristov@calpoly.edu | M 4pm-6pm; Th 2:30pm-4:30pm | in person or zoom | |
Hsu, Silas | 14-206 | sihsu@calpoly.edu | T 3:10-4:50PM R 10:10-11AM | In Person | |
Jones, Brian | 14-236 | btjones@calpoly.edu | T 10:10–1 R 10:10–12/2:10–4, F 10:10–11 | In Person | |
Kalathas, Paris | 14-213 | pkalatha@calpoly.edu | TR 10am-11am, 1pm-2pm | In Person | |
Kazerouni, Ayaan | 14-229 | ayaank@calpoly.edu | M 9:30am-11am, R 1:30pm-3pm, F 11am-12pm | In Person, Zoom if required | Email me for a Zoom link if needed |
Keen, Aaron | 14-254 | akeen@calpoly.edu | M: 11-12, W: 3-4, R: 11-12 | In Person | |
Khan, Fahim | 14-216 | fkhan19@calpoly.edu | By appointment only | Zoom or In-person | |
Klingenberg, BJ | 14-228 | bklingen@calpoly.edu | TR, 3pm-4pm | In Person; Zoom; | |
Kubiak, Ken | 14-228 | kubiak@calpoly.edu | Tue 9am-11am, Fri 10am-12pm | In Person, or zoom; reserve on Calendly | |
Kurfess, Franz | 14-203 | fkurfess@calpoly.edu | TWR 2:10 – 3:00 pm | in Person | |
Migler, Andrew | Virtual | amigler@calpoly.edu | TR 12:10-2pm | Zoom | |
Mukherjee, Joydeep | 14-219 | jmukherj@calpoly.edu | TTR 3:30 PM-05:00 PM | In Person | |
Mukhopadhyay, Sumona | 14-217 | mukhopad@calpoly.edu | T/Th 3:30 pm – 5 pm | In-person and Zoom (prior appointment) | |
Nico, Phillip | 14-205 | pnico@calpoly.edu | MWF 11:10-12, T 12:10-1 | in person | |
Pantoja, Maria | 14-211 | mpanto01@calpoly.edu | T/TH 3-4pm Wed 10am-12pm and by appointment | In person or by email | |
Peterson, Zachary | 14-235B | znjp@calpoly.edu | M 930-12P and by appointment | In Person | |
Pierce, Lucas | Virtual | lupierce@calpoly.edu | T 2-4pm R 12-2pm | Zoom | |
Rathi, Anita | 092-M-C104 | anrathi@calpoly.edu | T R: 11:30am-1: 30 pm | Zoom | |
Rivera, Vanessa | 14-202 | vcrivera@calpoly.edu | MW 8am-9am and 3pm-4pm | In Person | |
Rwebangira, Mugizi | 14-218 | mrwebang@calpoly.edu | MW 12pm-2pm | ||
Schmitt, Paul | 14-204 | prs@calpoly.edu | W 12-3pm | In person | |
Sisodia, Dev | 14-221 | dsisodia@calpoly.edu | T 12:10p- 2:00pm, WF 2:10pm – 3:00pm | In-Person and Zoom | |
Siu, Christopher | 14-236 | cesiu@calpoly.edu | MWF 1:10pm-3:00pm, TR 8:10am-11:00am, TR 1:10-3:00pm | MWF and TR morning in-person, TR afternoon on Zoom | |
Smith, Hugh | 14-203 | husmith@calpoly.edu | T noon-1pm, 2pm-3pm, R 1pm-3pm | In Person | |
Stanchev, Lubomir | 14-230 | lstanche@calpoly.edu | TR 8-10am | In Person | |
Teo, Ka Yaw | 14-215 | kteo@calpoly.edu | T 9am-10am R 10am-12pm | In Person | |
Voelker, Kurt | 14-202 | kvoelker@calpoly.edu | TWR 12pm-1pm | Zoom | |
Wagner, Michael | Part Time Lecturer Office | mcwagner@calpoly.edu | MWF 2:30-3:30PM | Zoom | |
Wright, Ava | 47-34B | avwright@calpoly.edu | MW 12-2pm | Zoom | |
Yocam, Eric | 14-240 | eyocam@calpoly.edu | MWF 11am-12pm | Slack, Zoom, Email, In Person | |
Zielke, Chris | 21-240 | czielke@calpoly.edu | MW 11am-noon, TR 3pm-4pm | Email, Slack |